Sunday, April 18, 2010

Review: Crystal Original Wing Sauce

Crystal Original Wing Sauce

It's not often that I come right out and say it, but I don't like Crystal Original Wing Sauce. This decision was made on the first bite of the wings my dad made me. The opinion stayed throughout the three wings I ate that were covered in the sauce.

The first thing that hit me was the sweetness. And not a honey-BBQ kind of sweet. Instead, it was a sour kind of sweet. I don't know how to describe it other than "gross." It didn't have any characteristics of any wing sauce I've ever had. To be honest, I hope it doesn't have any of the characteristics of any wing sauce I'm going to have in the future either.

My dad, who doesn't like to waste food, still has this bottle in the fridge door. I really just plan on throwing it in the trash one of these days when he isn't looking. There's no waste if we're never going to use it and, honestly, I'm not going to eat any more wings with that sauce on it.

I did have the option at the grocery store to try some of their "Hot Wing Sauce," but chose to try their original instead. And, maybe, the hot sauce is much better. I don't know, nor am I going to know. I'm not going to pick it out when the time comes to get a new brand.

I am sorry to those wing fans out there who like Crystal, and to the company that makes it, but I just don't like the taste, which is why I rated it so low. For those interested in trying it themselves, here is a link to the company's online store.

FINAL SCORE: 1-out-of-10


  1. You've got a pretty cool blog here, Shaylyn. I bet you could teach your dad a thing or two about brevity, too! Keep up the good work.

  2. What happened to Dad keeping it in the fridge door? Somehow it migrated to MY fridge door. Thanks Shaylyn LOL... next time send the good stuff, quit hogging it all to yourself :) Love ya kiddo

  3. We used to get it in our local supermarket in Australia back in the 1990's. My husband quite liked it and I didn't think it was that bad. Looking at your photo they look nothing like how mine turned out. I would marinate the wings in the sauce and then cook the wings including the sauce in the oven. Your sauce looks very watery ours was always thick and when cooked left a nice coating on the wings. I wonder if over the years they have changed the recipe. It doesn't matter now as we can't get it here anymore.

  4. I season my wings with pepper and Garlic salt Grill them over charcoal grill till done then, put them in a pan pour the sauce over the wings then put the pan back on the grill and allow them to boil till the sauce darkens, meat will fall off the bones and the taste is great.

